How Do I Use Friend Convert For Adding Facebook Friends?

If the steps are followed correctly, you will have Friend Convert up and running to instantly help you send multiple friend requests on Facebook in a matter of seconds. 

Step# 1: Once you have set up and installed Friend Convert and selected the package of your choice, head over to your Facebook account. Select the Group from which you wish to add the targeted audience. 

Once you are on the group page, click on ‘Members’. The most essential thing to make Friend Convert function is to be on the Members page of the group. 

Step #2: Next, click on the Friend Convert icon from the extension bar. You can then enter the number of people you want to send the requests to by typing the numeral on the Limits bar. Then the time gap between each request can be entered in the Interval section. This is essential to ensure that your account isn’t barred on Facebook.


Step #3: The most important step is to enter the ‘Keywords’ or the title of the Friends you wish to send a request to. You can type in as many relevant keywords required to let Friend Convert search targeted audiences and send them requests instantly. Then, just click Start!

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